
Application Developer, Database Administrator, and Project Leader in a wide variety of business applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using Python and PostgreSQL.

Bachelor's degree in Systems Analysis, with a Master's degree in Free and Open-Source Software. Also completed a "professorship" after-degree teaching qualification program (Bachelor of Science Education B.Sc.Ed. equivalent). Currently finished a series of Cybersecurity introductory online courses (credits equivalency for a Master of Science in Computing Security).

Work experience includes development of business applications (ERP, SCM, CRM), components and libraries (i.e. electronic invoice / POS fiscal printers for Argentina, Peru, Chile, Panama, Uruguay, etc.), and mission critical systems (electoral processes, 911 emergency events support); Focus on open source tools for software development, training and technical support.

Started as Teaching Assistant, now lecturer on official accredited courses (System Analyst and Network Technicians higher education). Also, implemented the "Diploma on Free & Open Source Software" educational university program.

Speaker and presenter at several local and international conferences, coordinated several regional PgDays and PyDays, being the PyCon Argentina 2012 National Python Conference chair. Former student & mentor in the Google Summer of Code (open source software development program). Also offers training  and workshops to companies and open events.

Current free software & open source positions, membership or initiatives:
Married with two children, lives near Buenos Aires city, Argentina. Linked-in - GitHub - @reingart

Computer Skills:

  • GUI and WEB Rapid Application development, Agile Methodologies (Scrum); 
  • Programming Languages: Python; PHP, C/C++, SQL, Visual Basic (legacy)
  • Databases: PostgreSQL.
  • OS: GNU/Linux: Debian/Ubuntu; Android; Windows; Mac OS X


Honors & Grants:

  • Bernardo A. Houssay Foundation, Scholarship, 1993-1995
  • Google Summer of Code 2014: accepted student - successfully completed project
  • Google Summer of Code 2017: mentor & summit participant
  • Open University of Catalonia: passed with honors (academic distinction) "Free software economics & business models aspects", "Legal aspects of free software" and "Final research work" (Master's thesis)  courses.


  • Speak, read, write Spanish (native tongue)
  • Speak, read, write Technical English (almost fluid)

Free software projects:

Free software enthusiast since 1997, with actively participation since 2006 in the following projects and communities:

PyAfipWs / PyFiscalPrinter:

Free software interfaces & tools for AFIP -Argentina federal tax agency, similar to US IRS - webservices & fiscal printers controllers (electronic invoice, agriculture, foreign trade, customs, currency exchange, tax bonus, etc.), ANMAT National Medical Drugs Traceability Program, ARBA (electronic shipping note, Buenos Aires Province), etc. The project is widely used, not only from Python, but also from legacy languages like VB, VFP, Cobol, xBase, SAP (ABAP), PowerBuilder, Fujitsu Net Cobol, Clarion, .NET / Java, etc. and modules for OpenERP/Odoo - Tryton; with an online community forum of more then 1000+ users:!aboutgroup/pyafipws (creator and maintainer) (maintainer)


Library to make client and server interfaces for webservice (SOAP) using a pythonic RPC API (python types instead of artifacts or class generation), automatic marshalling (serialization) and simple XML Element manipulation (creator and maintainer)


Port of FPDF PHP library, pure-python to generate PDF documents, including a GUI designer for templates and basic html2pdf converter: (maintainer)

RAD2PY (ide2py / psp2py, gui2py):

Python platform, IDE and libraries for Rapid Application Development with quality assurance and performance self-improvement using the Personal Software Process (SM): (creator and maintainer)
Lightweigh library and tools to easily build  visual GUI-like application using wxPython. Fork of PythonCard, with many modernizations and improvements.  (fork creator and maintainer)


Web framework. Major contributions: Error snapshot enhancements, online editor syntax checker, contrib libraries integration (PyFPDF generation, SOAP webservices), online web-based debugger (pdb), web2py-py3k porting proof-of-concept, pg8000 support, minor bugfixes: and

Some web applications developed with web2py:
  • web2conf: Conference management and registration system, originally developed for PyCon US 2009, used in more than 10 events in Argentina (hosted for 3 years) (maintainer)
  • recuento_web2py: vote counting & election results  application using web2py (used in a provincial election, recently loaded with public national data) (educational / experimental version)


Multi-platform GUI Toolkit. Major contributions: enhancements, several fixes and integration of wxQT (port using the Qt 5 toolkit); many Android support changes; wxPython / Phoenix minor adjustments. 2014 GSoC student (wxQT) and 2017 mentor for WebView JS API (webkit2, IE, etc.) & (contributor)

Spanish Translation Projects:

PostgreSQL related: PgInstaller, OneClickInstaller, PgAdminIII and official documentation (maintainer and/or contributor). Wiki and Pootle efforts.
Web2Py related: spanish site, examples, wiki (maintainer and/or contributor).
CPython internationalization propossal (stalled): & GSoC tentative project

Other minor projects:

Former contributor and/or maintainer: access2pgsqlpg8000, proxymin, svn-loadplanet-web2py,
PyReplica: Simple replication solution for postgres (historic, superseeded by current PostgreSQL features) (creator and maintainer)
Some minor colaborations/contributions to: web2Py-wiki, web2conf, pycon-tech, DrPython, FCKEditor (wsgi connector), Psycopg2 and Trac Plugins (some unpublished yet)

Users groups participation:

ArPUG: PostgreSQL Argentina Users Group:

Webmaster, PgDay 2008 organization colaborator, 2012 & 2013 chair, mailing list administrator, wiki documentation contributor, speaker at free talks and conferences

PyAr: Python Argentina Users Group:

PyCon Argentina organization volunteer, 2012 conference chair, wiki documentation contributor, speaker at free talks and conferences

Web2Py Spanish Users Group:

Webmaster, group administrator, wiki documentation contributor, speaker at free talks and conferences

Teaching and Speaking Events:

Google Summer of Code mentor's summit 2017

"Open Source Education: Preparing Students to Contribute to Open Source" un-conference proposal (session notes)
October 2017, California, US

13th International Conference on Open Source Systems 2017

"Diploma in Free and Open-Source Software: Initial outcomes, lessons learned and future directions"
Poster pressenter (programposter proceedings)
May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyCon Argentina 2015 / PyCon Spain 2015

"PyZombis" Lightning talk presenter (presentation / video)
Mendoza, Argentina & Valencia, Spain

44° JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática 2015

Speaker & Panelist (STS: symposium on technology and society & ASSE: Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering)
June 2015, Rosario, Argentina

43° JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática 2014

Speaker (STS: symposium on technology and society)
September 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre 2011, 2013, 2014

Speaker (Electronic-Invoice tutorial, Free Software Education & RAD Python talks)
October 2014 (last edition), Buenos Aires, Argentina

FocoLibre 2014

Speaker (Education talk) - Free Knowledge forum
October 2014, Quilmes University, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyCon Argentina 2013

November 2013, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

PgDay Buenos Aires 2013

Organizer & Speaker
November 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyCon US 2012

Poster presenterWebDev summit panel speakerweb2py sprint coordinator
March 2012, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A.

41° JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática 2012

Speaker (JSL: free software symposium) and Poster presenter (EST)
June 2012, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyCon Argentina 2012 & PgDay Buenos Aires 2012

Conference Chair / Organizer
November 2012, Quilmes & Buenos Aires City, Argentina

Courses at ACP (Programmer Club Association) 2009 - 2010

Python: standard library, common extensions, GUI (wxPython) and WEB (django/web2py)
PostgreSQL: Relational Model, Normalization, SQL, Optimization, Programming interfaces
Electronic Invoice, Python & Free software (talk)
June/July 2009 and July 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Febrary 2009 and June 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Course (Rafaela municipality Startup)

Python (web2py)/PostgreSQL/Ubuntu Training
Sept.Oct.Nov. 2009, Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina

PyCon Argentina 2011

Webmaster, Reviewer and Speaker (a tutorial, a talk and a panel)
September 2011, Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina

FLISOL 2010 (InstallFest) & PyDay González Catán 2011

Organizator and Speaker
July 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Site Coordinator and PostgreSQL/Python Speaker
April 2010, González Catán, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyDay Rafaela 2010

Colaborator and Web2py (talk) and PostgreSQL (lighting talk) Speaker
May 2010, Rafaela, Santa Fé, Argentina

PyDay Buenos Aires 2010

Organizator and Web2py (talk/tutorial) Speaker
Sept. 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Python Argentina "Open Talks" at "La Tribu"

Web2py/wxPython (talks) Speaker
Sept/Oct. 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyCon Argentina 2010

Organization colaboration and Web2py/PostgreSQL/PyAfipWs (talks) Speaker
Oct. 2010, Córdoba, Argentina

JRSL 2010 & 2011

Web2py tutorial, RAD Python talk
October 2011, Salta, Argentina

Web2py tutorial, PostgreSQL 911
October 2010, San Luis, Argentina

Conurbania 2009 & 2010 Conference

Web2py introduction
November 2010, Lanus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PyAfipWs (Electronic Invoice AFIP-Argentina IRS- python implementation)
November 2009, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina


PostgreSQL & PyReplica (talk)
April 2009, Quilmes, Argentina

PgDay 2009 UNNOBA

Pgsql vs Mysql, PyReplica
June 2009, Junin, Argentina

PgCon Brazil 2009

Introducing PyReplica (talk)
October 2009, Campiñas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

PyCon Argentina 2009

PostgreSQL & Pl/Python (talk)
September 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina

PgDay 2008 Rio de la Plata

PyReplica (talk)
November 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Work Experience:

Sistemas Ágiles ("Agile Systems")

Self-employment - IT consulting entrepreneurship
April 2002 - Present
Freelance developer of business applications using Python, VB, PHP, PostgreSQL, on Linux and Windows. References

Instituto Tecnológico Blaise Pascal (Tech Institute)

Teacher - Higher Education - Accredited Proprietary College
April 2009 - Present
  • Database Design and Implementation: Entity-Relationship and Relational Models, Normalization, Formal Query Languages and SQL, PostgreSQL Administration and Optimization.
  • Operating Systems: GNU/Linux shell and basic concepts. File systems and primitives. Process system calls, synchronization and intercomunication (unix sockets). Memory Management.
  • Computer Networks: Introduction to Internetworking. OSI Reference Model. TCP/IP protocol stack. Socket Primitives and Applications (HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, etc.). Basic router and gateway configuration.
  • Professional Practice (capstone course): Project Management and Software Development using Free Software - GitHub, Mercurial (hg/git), Python (web2py), PostgreSQL

Grupo MSA S.A.

Technical Lead - IT Services
2016 -
  • Research & Development in several software projects (electoral process, logistics, etc.).
  • Low level system programming (C/C++ GNU/Linux), middle-ware, back-end and front-end applications (Python/HTML/JS, both server-side and local).
  • Source code implementation, maintenance, testing, debugging and documentation. 
  • Evaluation & prototyping of new technologies / products, including cutting-edge hardware, information / computer security and cryptographic techniques.
Freelance Developer
2009 - 2015
  • Software development of ad-hoc tools & web applications (Python/PostgreSQL)
  • Implementation of a custom Python + PostgreSQL sync replication for high availability solution (now superseded by native solutions).
  • Instructor Course PuntoGob - Municipality of Rafaela, Santa Fe.

Universidad del Este

Teacher - Higher Education - Accredited University
May 2015 - 2018 (est.)
Diploma on Free and Open Source Software (extension courses) 

Lambda Sistemas S.R.L.

Analyst/Programmer - Computer Software
March 2007 - December 2010
Python (wxPython, Django) and PostgreSQL Developer of "Fierro" software and other projects

Buenos Aires Province Police - La Matanza radiostation

Ad-honorem colaboration (Community Service)
1998 - 2010
Application Developer, DBA, SysAdmin and Consulting: 911 Emergency Management System using Linux+PostgreSQL back-end and VB front-end.

Escuela Modelo DEVON S.A.

Developer and Teaching assistant - Primary/Secondary Education
February 1997 - March 2002
Application Developer, DBA and Network Administrator
Computer Lab Teaching Assistant


rad2py: A platform for Rapid Application Development under the Personal Software Process / Rapid development of high quality Free Software:

PyAfipWs: webservices, PDF generation (electronic invoice) and interoperability with legacy programming languages

Programación Python para Zombis (Python programming for zombies)

  • MOOC based on Fernando Masanori "Python para zumbis" brazilian course 
  • Topics: programming literacy, inclusion, diversity 
  • Final Work - Educative technology & Distance Education workshops - National Technical University 
  • Working Paper (Draft September-November 2015) 
  • Short presentation / video (lighting talk in PyCon Argentina 2015 & PyCon Spain 2015)

      Open Diploma on Free Software (undergraduate 1 year courses program)

      Open Source and Free Software Engineering (undergraduate accredited course)

      • Paper (September 2014) 43° JAIIO - STS 2014 - ISSN: 2362-5139 - pp 271 -285, co-autored with Juan B. Cabral, Ricardo Medel, Nestor Navarro (National Technological University, Córdoba Regional Faculty, Argentina)

      Institutional Curriculum Project oriented to free software

      • Blaise Pascal Technological Institute
      • Systems Analyst three-years Bachelor's degree
      • Topics: education, linux, postgresql, python, free software
      • Working Paper (Draft January 2010)

      911 Event Management System

      web2py aplication development cookbook

      PyAfipWs: growing up a project & surviving 15+ years in Argentina 


      The project PyAfipWs is a library and tools for government web-services.

      I'm one of its creators & maintainer, being a python enthusiast since long time ago.

      Also I'm a software developer, tech leader and now architect, and studied a Master in Free and Open Source Software (CV).

      We formed a micro startup (Sistemas Ágiles: Agile Systems) to support the project and complement the community effort.



      • Multiplatform library & end user tools (windows executables, interoperability & legacy interfaces, spin-offs: SOAP WS / PDF projects
      • Python 3 challenges, crypto/ssl issues
      • Useful GitHub actions for windows automation and test against external webservices.
      • Tips and lessons learned to sustain a non trivial user base and hundreds of customers.
      • Building a 2k user group & GSoC mentorship / contributions

      • Commercial dual-license funding / tech support / maintenance
      • Alternatives to create sustainable open source projects for local or regional needs.

      ChatGPT intro experiment:

      As an alternative presentation, when asked the AI to give some information to the topic:

      Q: What are the Argentina major government webservices (AFIP, ANMAT and ARBA)? Q: And what Python open source library can I use to interact with them?

      The overall responses were interesting (and it mentions our library), although there are some wrong facts (strikethrough the wrong parts):
      The major government webservices in Argentina are: AFIP (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos) - This is the federal tax agency in Argentina responsible for collecting taxes and ensuring compliance with tax laws. ANMAT (Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica) - This is the national regulatory agency in Argentina responsible for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of drugs, medical devices, and food products. ARBA (Agencia de Recaudación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires) - This is the tax agency for the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, responsible for collecting taxes and ensuring compliance with tax laws in the province. To interact with these webservices, you can use the Python Requests library to make HTTP requests and retrieve data from their APIs. Additionally, you may need to use Python libraries specific to each webservice to handle authentication and data parsing. For AFIP, you can use the PyAFIP library, which provides a Python interface for interacting with AFIP's SOAP web services. 😀 For ANMAT, there is no specific Python library available, but you can use the Requests library to interact with their RESTful API. 😕 For ARBA, you can use the PyARBA library, which provides a Python interface for interacting with ARBA's SOAP web services. 😱

      Warning with AI hallucinations! 

      PyARBA project doesn’t seem to exist (as far I could search eg. PyPI nor Google nor GitHub). 

      In another question the AI also mentioned WSSRv1, a government webservice that seems to not exist either.

      In fact, our library (which its complete name is PyAfipWS) supports several webservices including  AFIP, ANMAT and ARBA.

      Probably it would be better to divide this project per gov agency PyARBA / PyANMAT etc. but that could be harder to maintain.

      Most of them are SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), a mixture of HTTP + XML.

      It is not really simple, except ARBA that uses something like a REST API with CSV request and XML response (so ChatGPT mixed a bit that or is referencing other webservices).

      It seems the AI is translating some concepts wrongly (method names?).

      Naming convention debate aside… Spanish is used in official webservice methods documentation, and some words doesn’t have a direct English translation.

      Finally, when asked "Please write a code snippet in Python to generate and authorize an Electronic Invoice for Argentina AFIP webservices using PyAfip library", the response was (edited):
      Sure, here is a code snippet in Python using the PyAfip library to generate and authorize an Electronic Invoice for Argentina AFIP webservices: … In this code snippet, we initialize a WSFEv1 instance with our AFIP credentials and set the invoice data. We then call the create_invoice method to generate the invoice and authorize it. Finally, we print the response.
      Note that you'll need to replace the placeholders with your actual AFIP credentials and certificate paths.  

      but after that there are some de

      The code snippet is not that bad, the first line written (from pyafipws.wsfev1 import WSFEv1) looked promising as it mention our library and correct webservice class, but after that there are some problems. It confuses the request and response, uses the version 0 fields instead version 1, misses some tax structures as we have different VAT tax percentages, and it doesn’t point out the major result (CAE: authorization code).

      Maybe ChatGPT is mixing other libraries/examples?

      The correct code could be found in the project examples directory: (and there are also programs and code fragments for other programming languages and webservices).

      A short fragment to illustrate and compare:

      import datetime from pyafipws.wsaa import WSAA from pyafipws.wsfev1 import WSFEv1

      # authentication (TA: access ticket) for testing # (creates the access request ticket and sign using certificate/private key):  
      wsaa = WSAA() ta = wsaa.Autenticar( "wsfe", "reingart.crt", "reingart.key", wsdl="", debug=True, )

      # electronic invoice webservice setup for testing: wsfev1 = WSFEv1() wsfev1.Token = wsaa.Token wsfev1.Sign = wsaa.Sign wsfev1.Cuit = "20267565393" ok = wsfev1.Conectar(wsdl="") # get last invoice number: cbte_nro = int(wsfev1.CompUltimoAutorizado(1, 3)) or 0 # create the electronic invoice (header fields, simple case): wsfev1.CrearFactura( concepto=1, tipo_doc=80, nro_doc="30500010912", tipo_cbte=1, punto_vta=3, cbt_desde=cbte_nro+1, cbt_hasta=cbte_nro+1, imp_total=122.00, imp_tot_conc=0.00, imp_neto=100.00, imp_iva=21.00, imp_trib=1.00, imp_op_ex=0.00,"%Y%m%d"), moneda_id="PES", moneda_ctz=1.000, ) # add subtotals per each VAT tax percentage (21% case): wsfev1.AgregarIva(iva_id=5, base_imp=100.00, importe=21.00) # add other taxes: wsfev1.AgregarTributo( tributo_id=99, desc = 'Impuesto Municipal', base_imp=None, alic=None, importe=1.00, ) # authorize the invoice: wsfev1.CAESolicitar() # Electronic Authorization Code (result): print("CAE", wsfev1.CAE)

      Anyway it is very interesting as it give a overall help on this topic (if you know the details).

      Probably we should use the Stack Overflow question/response style and provide more examples, so the information corpus about these topics increases and AI responses get more accurate.

      Quick Intro (real):

      After the ChatGPT experiment, that was interesting but probably there is no enought information for more correct responses (as documentation is in Spanish and very limited).

      Let's do a traditional quick introduction to these topics.

      AFIP is the country's main tax agency, like the "I.R.S." in the US (Internal revenue service)..

      Note that every invoice in Argentina must be sent to the government to get approval (including total amount, taxes plus item description, quantities and unit prices in some cases), or use a special printer with government software (fiscal controller).

      There are special regulations to use invoices for tax returns (industrial fiscal bonus), foreign trade commerce (exports), tourism or using credit invoices as checking-account to pay other invoices.

      There is a tax-payers registry to validate customers' VAT numbers and status. 

      And received invoices should be verified using a webservices to validate the amounts for tax porpouses.

      Also the primary sector is important in Argentina, so sales and shipments of cereal crops, flour, cattle, meat or milk production and derivatives should be informed to  Afip too, using several Agriculture or Livestock webservices.

      Customs and foreign exchange are also complicated, for example in the past needing authorization to buy or sell US dollars (via web service for companies/banks or online government website for taxpayers).

      Other related web services supported by the library are: 

      ARBA: Buenos Aires province tax agency

      • Freight transport Shipments code (COT), also for Córdoba & Santa Fe provinces.
      • Gross income tax withholdings (IIBB).

      National Traceability System web services: to track movements of

      • Medicines and medical equipment (ANMAT TrazaMed/ProdMed)
      • Controlled substances (SEDRONAR/RENPRE TrazaRenpre)
      • National Health and Food Quality (SENASA: TrazaVet/TrazaFito)

      No official python example, even in 2023!

      The official  AFIP Government website has general documentation about its web services:
      The architecture is divided in two stages:

      The client calls WSAA (authentication and authorization webservice) to get a Token and Sign.

      A custom digital X509 certificate is used and requires signing a CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax format). It is basically like a "Signed Multipart Email" (S/MIME). The result is an access ticket XML.

      Then the client uses that access ticket to consume the WSN (business webservice), sending the Token and Sign along business data. It can do several operations as long as the access ticket is valid (not expired).
      Business web services are Electronic Invoice Version 0, Version 1, Fiscal bonus, Exports, Tourism, etc..

      Developer Manuals are agnostic PDF with XML Request / Response templates and some minimal examples with test data (in the best cases).

      There are some programming examples for WSAA, sadly only for JAVA PH C#, VB.NET and PowerShell.
      Note that they don't have any official programming tech support.

      And some use cases are tricky or there are usage limits (for example, 5 minutes to request a new token, or non trivial error recovery procedures) that could be difficult to handle for newcomers.

      The full catalog includes more than 40 web services with many versions and regulations!. 

      They cover from invoicing to registry, agriculture/livestock, tax forms filing, payroll, customs, and more specific use cases.

      For these webservices there are some some official examples for PHP / Java .NET, but they are not supported and no Software Development Kit exists.

      And no, no python example, even in 2023 😞

      Official examples were a bit complex to setup (specially for legacy systems) and have many dependencies.

      There are now some command-line utilities to use WSAA and get an access ticket (token/sign) using powershell.

      Note that official docs point to OpenSSL / SoapUI and WireShark to implement / test / debug this web services (that could not be easy specially for newcomers)


      This library surges to build a community alternative as there were no free / open source Software Development Kit.

      A main goal of this project is to be easy to use, specially for developers of other languages.
      Requirements should be easy to install and eventually maintain or adapt.

      For example Python SOAP library at that time had some memory consumption issues and were not entirely compatible with the different XML dialects for Java or .NET (we tried but we couldn't adapt them).

      Also multi-platform and interoperability were a must, as many users had legacy operating systems or applications that cannot easily be extended to add JAVA or .NET requirements.

      This include old Windows versions (XP), Unix flavors (some no longer actively supported), and programming languages that do not have even a networking stack or XML / crypto services (COBOL, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Pascal and dBase derivatives, etc.).

      Python offered these features, and also made possible desktop applications (PyRece / PyFactura): 

      Finally, user experience was important to bring new developers to the python world without hassle.
      Single file installers with no runtime or other dependencies were implemented.

      The origins:

      The project dates back to 2008, when we exchanged some mails in the Python Argentina users group. 
      We joined efforts and started working in a common library.

      Then freelance portals were used to offer the library to developers needing to implement electronic invoice for legacy applications in Cobol / FoxPro (DBF) and similar.
      There were also diffusion in forums & user groups of other languages (VB/VFP).

      Eventually even some Java, .NET and PHP users also started to look at this library, as we gave tech support (remember no official programming support was given from the government, just XML error issues)

      pywin32 is used to expose Python Objects to other modern languages (VB / VFP support CreateObject for automation) similar to an OCX control (COM: Component Object Model).
      py2exe is used to build EXE / DLL to host the object servers and command line tools.

      Current status

      The road so far includes around 25 webservices supported, 5 Electronic Invoice webservices (in 2 variants), 8 agriculture webservices and several other related agencies and systems.

      We added PDF generation, with barcode and QR, plus mailing features.

      File interchange formats include universal fixed-width text format (COBOL), XML, DBF tables, CSV/XLS spreadsheets and JSON.

      Additional command line tools were developed to create access tickets, authorize, retrieve and verify invoices, bulk processing (reading invoices from databases), etc. 

      Also two Visual desktop applications were created to overcome some limitations and issues of government old windows utilities and official website. 

      They are oriented to non-programmers (for example, accountants or small shop owners) with bulk processing features and customization/storage capabilities.

      We were invited to several meetings in AFIP offices and to participate in the related group of Argentine Software Industry Chamber.

      The User's Group

      We created that over time attracted 2k members… (in comparison, Python Argentina telegram group has 2.4k members)

      It works as a public forum and is very active and used for several topics:
      Many users helps other users, contributing error corrections and minor examples.

      Topics exceeding this python library are included too:
      • Announcements & discussions about AFIP government news and regulations.
      • AFIP downtime and general scalability issues .
      There is some moderation to avoid political discussion and non-free software (spam).


      To sustain development and maintenance we opted for a dual license model.
      Licensed under GPLv3 for free software projects, and a commercial exception for proprietary software.
      Now moving to LGPL and looking alternatives ways of funding; 
      GPL is great to raise awareness but there are grey areas and could be more hard to manage for small projects (for example contributor agreements)

      We offer commercial technical support with a small update fee (around 50 USD on average). 
      It is mainly for administrative, installation issues and first steps.

      This helps to do basic maintenance, and we have more advanced plans for releases of new webservices or major changes. 

      But there are periods without activity nor significant income (updates are optional), so major refactors are difficult.
      Only large companies are willing to pay monthly/yearly support plans, mainly to cover operation, regular maintenance and minor enhancements.

      This funding also was used initially to pay for AdWords campaigns in search engines.
      It complemented SEO and allowed new users to find the project when it was not widely known.

      Public forum also helped to communicate and generate synergy with users helping each other (even non commercial free riders).

      For SEO, a landing page was published with a lot of information and details on regulations.
      Also the full documentation is freely available.

      Over years some links and resources could get outdated, so special care must be taken to keep it updated (that is also included in the tech support fee)


      Example documentation page (originally using trac), with a menu listing all webservices and tools (left).

      Contents include all AFIP government regulations, downloads / installation instructions, examples for different programming languages, pseudocode and sample files, use cases, common error and exceptions, webservices codes and parameter tables, etc.

      Python 3

      Crossing the chasm?

      Python 3 porting was not trivial and it depended on several third party libraries.

      Some, like m2crypto (openssl) was eventually ported but more difficult to install (replaced by cryptography)

      Others, like py2exe, were not ported initially or had limited functionality (until recently it didn’t supported some features we needed).

      Specially on Windows we faced issues with SSL protocol and support proxy (for example pycurl)

      We had to opt to keep a quick reaction to government changes and fixing bugs.
      User base is mostly in python 2, and they wouldn’t pay support just to port.

      We still need to keep compatibility with legacy users (old Windows or Unix installations)


      We started with simple modules for SOAP and PDF that over time become independent libraries.

      SOAP code was moved out to its own project (PySimpleSOAP), and eventually many contributors were interested in submitting changes and enhancements.
      It was later moved from a personal project to an organization and had active development, but over time interest stalled. 
      Some changes introduced by other maintainers were incompatible with our PyAfipWs library (or were untested in our scenarios), so at the end we’re using an older branch with custom changes (see py311).

      PyFPDF was born from a port of the fpdf PHP library (intended for simple generation of PDF), with many enhancements and also eventually attracted many contributors. 
      The project was forked to fpdf2, python 2 support was dropped and some changes are incompatible with upstream API (see #111).
      So we cannot use the latest branch now, hence we still keep working on our older branch.

      It is a bit strange to step down for your own libraries, but also it is understandable that the community needs to advance (especially if changes cannot be reviewed in a timely basis, or security/compatibility concerns arise).

      NOTE that sometimes priorities change, and original maintainers can lack enough time to work on the project (in my case, I had 3 jobs in some periods, so open source dedication was limited).

      Also, it could be needed to say no and reject contributions if those cannot be reviewed or tested, or introduce breaking changes or other issues.


      This could be a major concern especially if the library is used in larger projects (in our case, Argentina localizations for OpenERP/Odoo and Tryton), as it could introduce bugs or security issues to them.

      Open Source never dies 😉
      Low maintenance mode is good

      If a project doesn't receives a lot of changes, it could just mean that it has no serious bugs or new features are not needed. And it can be forked if needed...

      A humble recommendation would be to accept new contributions but in a new branch (2.0 “next” or unstable), and use versioning to pin stable 1.0 branch.
      When the new 2.0 branch becomes stable, reviewed and security/compatibility issues solved, you can easily change to the new branch. 
      This balance could avoid friction and unnecessary forks, but will not be completely free/easy. Anyway it could be better that having unnecesary forks or different version in different projects.

      Modern Era:

      In the search for new contributors, we participated in Google Summer of Code 2019, 2021 and probably in 2023 (see PyAr ideas wiki page), under the Python Software Foundation umbrella.

      The students get a grant to learn and develop (around 1500 USD). 
      The PSF receives 500 USD that later are used in other grants programs.

      In our case, the students became mentors for the project, and in general this program helped us a lot to tackle big ideas / refactors like Python 3 port, dependency updates, testing improvements (VCR) and stabilization.

      In the last 5 years we moved from Travis to GitHub Actions.
      This helped to run the test with different python versions and operating systems (linux/windows)
      Now windows installers can be almost built in C.I., and it also can be tested in a fresh installation with some basic automation tests.

      This new Continuous Integration pipeline helps to review and approve pull request fasters, as they can be tested automatically in all scenarios.

      GitHub actions:

      Python package workflow has a build job for several python versions.
      The job has the standard steps to checkout, install dependencies, configure and run unit tests with pytest. 
      A test report is built and coverage report is uploaded to artifacts.

      The other Windows Installer workflow is run for 32 and 64 bits.
      It has several jobs (compile, test and pre-release).
      In the compile phase it builds the project and convert to an executable using py2exe.
      Then the test phase downloads the certificates (in secrets to avoid conflicts).
      After that it runs the executables for simple checks.
      And finally it registers the components and run some automation tests with pester (powershell).
      The final pre-release job upload the artifacts (dist archive with executables and python libraries)


      Originally we had unit tests and end 2 end tests that had to be run manually.
      Some test were difficult to run as they depend on  AFIP webservers that can go down / raise timeouts or have limitations (certificate cannot be used once each 5 min).

      We use VCR to record requests and replay responses, stored in yaml “cassettes”, so flakiness due external services is reduced.
      In tandem, freezegun is used to keep the request reproducible (immutable date/time).

      For End 2 End tests we use pester PowerShell tests. 
      These tests are more difficult to mock as they are black-box processes, but a fake webservice simulator could be used in the future.

      In the test folder we have the cassettes folder with the recorded request/response.
      For example the login yaml has the webservice URL endpoint and the XML request & response, with all the flags.
      This is later used in test via the @pytest.vcr decorator.
      In test we enable the pytest.vcr and pytest.freezegun plugin for all the tests.

      Finally, the powershell folder has the pester tests using windows automation.
      For test wsaa.ps1 there are some basic test to generate the xml access ticket.
      Then in test wsfe.ps1 we have a basic test for electronic invoice generation, checking the happy path and some corner cases / exceptions. 


      Thank you for reading!
      Fell free to contact me if you have any doubt

      This is a transcription (slides) with extended details of the talk presented for the PyCon US 2023 Maintainers Summit
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      Licencia y Aviso Legal

      CC BY-SACopyright (C) 2009 - 2013 Mariano Reingart - Visite el sitio para novedades. Salvo indicación contraria, el texto de esta página está disponible bajo la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0 Unported; podrían ser aplicables cláusulas adicionales.

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      Toda información es proporcionada a Titulo Informativo y se entrega como está, sin garantías explícitas ni implicitas de ningún tipo, incluyendo sin limitación, pérdida de ganancias, interrupción de negocios, pérdida de programas u otros datos en sistemas de computación o cualquier otro reclamo. Al usarla acepta hacerlo bajo su propia responsabilidad, conociendo la normativa y reglamentaciones existentes. En caso de controversias respecto del presente, usted acepta presentarlas y resolverlas exclusivamente en la jurisdicción de los Tribunales Ordinarios Civiles y Comerciales del Departamento Judicial de Morón, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, renunciando expresamente a cualquier otro fuero que pudiere corresponder.

      Grupo de desarrolladores independientes
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      Instituto Superior Blaise Pascal
      Universidad del Este
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      Proyecto PyAfipWs
      Interfáz libre a los servicios web de AFIP
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