Application Developer, Database Administrator, and Project Leader in a wide variety of business applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using Python and PostgreSQL.Bachelor's degree in Systems Analysis, with a Master's degree in Free and Open-Source Software. Also completed a "professorship" after-degree teaching qualification program (Bachelor of Science Education B.Sc.Ed. equivalent). Currently finished a series of Cybersecurity introductory online courses (credits equivalency for a Master of Science in Computing Security).
Work experience includes development of business applications (ERP, SCM, CRM), components and libraries (i.e. electronic invoice / POS fiscal printers for Argentina, Peru, Chile, Panama, Uruguay, etc.), and mission critical systems (electoral processes, 911 emergency events support); Focus on open source tools for software development, training and technical support.
Started as Teaching Assistant, now lecturer on official accredited courses (System Analyst and Network Technicians higher education). Also, implemented the "Diploma on Free & Open Source Software" educational university program.
Speaker and presenter at several local and international conferences, coordinated several regional PgDays and PyDays, being the PyCon Argentina 2012 National Python Conference chair. Former student & mentor in the Google Summer of Code (open source software development program). Also offers training and workshops to companies and open events.
Current free software & open source positions, membership or initiatives:
- PostgreSQL Regional Contract for Argentina
- Python Software Foundation nominated and elected fellow member
- Python Argentina Civil Association founding member & secretary
- Web2py main contributor -added the online debugger and other enhancements-
- wxWidgets wxQT contributor (GSoC 2014/2017) -interested in Android & wxPython-
- free software portal / "Diploma on Free Software"
Computer Skills:
- GUI and WEB Rapid Application development, Agile Methodologies (Scrum);
- Programming Languages: Python; PHP, C/C++, SQL, Visual Basic (legacy)
- Databases: PostgreSQL.
- OS: GNU/Linux: Debian/Ubuntu; Android; Windows; Mac OS X
- Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) - RITx MicroMasters in Cybersecurity (edX) credential (elegible credits towards the Master's degree in Computing Security) completed - 2017 / 2018
- Open University of Catalunya (UOC) - Master's Degree in Free and Open-Source Software - completed - 2012 / 2015
- National Technological University (UTN INSPT) - Teacher in Higher Education, equivalent to a Bachelor of Science Education (B.Sc.Ed) - completed 2014 / 2015
- Morón University (UM) - Licentiate in Systems Analysis (previous plan), 4-year equivalent to a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (B.Sc.CIS) completed - 2001 / 2011
- National Technological University (UTN) - Electronic Engineering - incomplete - 1997 / 2001
Honors & Grants:
- Bernardo A. Houssay Foundation, Scholarship, 1993-1995
- Google Summer of Code 2014: accepted student - successfully completed project
- Google Summer of Code 2017: mentor & summit participant
- Open University of Catalonia: passed with honors (academic distinction) "Free software economics & business models aspects", "Legal aspects of free software" and "Final research work" (Master's thesis) courses.
- Speak, read, write Spanish (native tongue)
- Speak, read, write Technical English (almost fluid)
Free software projects:
Free software enthusiast since 1997, with actively participation since 2006 in the following projects and communities:PyAfipWs / PyFiscalPrinter:
Free software interfaces & tools for AFIP -Argentina federal tax agency, similar to US IRS - webservices & fiscal printers controllers (electronic invoice, agriculture, foreign trade, customs, currency exchange, tax bonus, etc.), ANMAT National Medical Drugs Traceability Program, ARBA (electronic shipping note, Buenos Aires Province), etc. The project is widely used, not only from Python, but also from legacy languages like VB, VFP, Cobol, xBase, SAP (ABAP), PowerBuilder, Fujitsu Net Cobol, Clarion, .NET / Java, etc. and modules for OpenERP/Odoo - Tryton; with an online community forum of more then 1000+ users:!aboutgroup/pyafipws (creator and maintainer) (maintainer)
Library to make client and server interfaces for webservice (SOAP) using a pythonic RPC API (python types instead of artifacts or class generation), automatic marshalling (serialization) and simple XML Element manipulation (creator and maintainer)
Port of FPDF PHP library, pure-python to generate PDF documents, including a GUI designer for templates and basic html2pdf converter: (maintainer)
RAD2PY (ide2py / psp2py, gui2py):
Python platform, IDE and libraries for Rapid Application Development with quality assurance and performance self-improvement using the Personal Software Process (SM): (creator and maintainer)
Lightweigh library and tools to easily build visual GUI-like application using wxPython. Fork of PythonCard, with many modernizations and improvements. (fork creator and maintainer)
Web framework. Major contributions: Error snapshot enhancements, online editor syntax checker, contrib libraries integration (PyFPDF generation, SOAP webservices), online web-based debugger (pdb), web2py-py3k porting proof-of-concept, pg8000 support, minor bugfixes: and
Some web applications developed with web2py:
- web2conf: Conference management and registration system, originally developed for PyCon US 2009, used in more than 10 events in Argentina (hosted for 3 years) (maintainer)
- recuento_web2py: vote counting & election results application using web2py (used in a provincial election, recently loaded with public national data) (educational / experimental version)
Multi-platform GUI Toolkit. Major contributions: enhancements, several fixes and integration of wxQT (port using the Qt 5 toolkit); many Android support changes; wxPython / Phoenix minor adjustments. 2014 GSoC student (wxQT) and 2017 mentor for WebView JS API (webkit2, IE, etc.) & (contributor)
Spanish Translation Projects:
PostgreSQL related: PgInstaller, OneClickInstaller, PgAdminIII and official documentation (maintainer and/or contributor). Wiki and Pootle efforts.Web2Py related: spanish site, examples, wiki (maintainer and/or contributor).
CPython internationalization propossal (stalled): & GSoC tentative project
Other minor projects:
Former contributor and/or maintainer: access2pgsql, pg8000, proxymin, svn-load, planet-web2py,PyReplica: Simple replication solution for postgres (historic, superseeded by current PostgreSQL features) (creator and maintainer)
Some minor colaborations/contributions to: web2Py-wiki, web2conf, pycon-tech, DrPython, FCKEditor (wsgi connector), Psycopg2 and Trac Plugins (some unpublished yet)
Users groups participation:
ArPUG: PostgreSQL Argentina Users Group:
Webmaster, PgDay 2008 organization colaborator, 2012 & 2013 chair, mailing list administrator, wiki documentation contributor, speaker at free talks and conferences
PyAr: Python Argentina Users Group:
PyCon Argentina organization volunteer, 2012 conference chair, wiki documentation contributor, speaker at free talks and conferences
Web2Py Spanish Users Group:
Webmaster, group administrator, wiki documentation contributor, speaker at free talks and conferences
Teaching and Speaking Events:
Google Summer of Code mentor's summit 2017
"Open Source Education: Preparing Students to Contribute to Open Source" un-conference proposal (session notes)October 2017, California, US
13th International Conference on Open Source Systems 2017
"Diploma in Free and Open-Source Software: Initial outcomes, lessons learned and future directions"Poster pressenter (program, poster proceedings)
May 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyCon Argentina 2015 / PyCon Spain 2015
"PyZombis" Lightning talk presenter (presentation / video)Mendoza, Argentina & Valencia, Spain
44° JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática 2015
Speaker & Panelist (STS: symposium on technology and society & ASSE: Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering)June 2015, Rosario, Argentina
43° JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática 2014
Speaker (STS: symposium on technology and society)September 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Conferencia Internacional de Software Libre 2011, 2013, 2014
Speaker (Electronic-Invoice tutorial, Free Software Education & RAD Python talks)October 2014 (last edition), Buenos Aires, Argentina
FocoLibre 2014
October 2014, Quilmes University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyCon Argentina 2013
SpeakerNovember 2013, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
PgDay Buenos Aires 2013
Organizer & SpeakerNovember 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyCon US 2012
Poster presenter, WebDev summit panel speaker, web2py sprint coordinatorMarch 2012, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A.
41° JAIIO - Jornadas Argentinas de Informática 2012
Speaker (JSL: free software symposium) and Poster presenter (EST)June 2012, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyCon Argentina 2012 & PgDay Buenos Aires 2012
Conference Chair / OrganizerNovember 2012, Quilmes & Buenos Aires City, Argentina
Courses at ACP (Programmer Club Association) 2009 - 2010
Electronic Invoice, Python & Free software (talk)
June/July 2009 and July 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Febrary 2009 and June 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Course (Rafaela municipality Startup)
Python (web2py)/PostgreSQL/Ubuntu TrainingSept.Oct.Nov. 2009, Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina
PyCon Argentina 2011
Webmaster, Reviewer and Speaker (a tutorial, a talk and a panel)September 2011, Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
FLISOL 2010 (InstallFest) & PyDay González Catán 2011
Organizator and SpeakerJuly 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Site Coordinator and PostgreSQL/Python Speaker
April 2010, González Catán, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyDay Rafaela 2010
Colaborator and Web2py (talk) and PostgreSQL (lighting talk) SpeakerMay 2010, Rafaela, Santa Fé, Argentina
PyDay Buenos Aires 2010
Organizator and Web2py (talk/tutorial) SpeakerSept. 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Python Argentina "Open Talks" at "La Tribu"
Web2py/wxPython (talks) SpeakerSept/Oct. 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyCon Argentina 2010
Organization colaboration and Web2py/PostgreSQL/PyAfipWs (talks) SpeakerOct. 2010, Córdoba, Argentina
JRSL 2010 & 2011
Web2py tutorial, RAD Python talkOctober 2011, Salta, Argentina
Web2py tutorial, PostgreSQL 911
October 2010, San Luis, Argentina
Conurbania 2009 & 2010 Conference
Web2py introductionNovember 2010, Lanus, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PyAfipWs (Electronic Invoice AFIP-Argentina IRS- python implementation)
November 2009, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PostgreSQL & PyReplica (talk)
April 2009, Quilmes, Argentina
PgDay 2009 UNNOBA
Pgsql vs Mysql, PyReplica
June 2009, Junin, Argentina
PgCon Brazil 2009
Introducing PyReplica (talk)
October 2009, Campiñas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
PyCon Argentina 2009
PostgreSQL & Pl/Python (talk)
September 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PgDay 2008 Rio de la Plata
PyReplica (talk)
November 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Work Experience:
Sistemas Ágiles ("Agile Systems")
Self-employment - IT consulting entrepreneurshipApril 2002 - Present
Freelance developer of business applications using Python, VB, PHP, PostgreSQL, on Linux and Windows. References
Instituto Tecnológico Blaise Pascal (Tech Institute)
Teacher - Higher Education - Accredited Proprietary CollegeApril 2009 - Present
- Database Design and Implementation: Entity-Relationship and Relational Models, Normalization, Formal Query Languages and SQL, PostgreSQL Administration and Optimization.
- Operating Systems: GNU/Linux shell and basic concepts. File systems and primitives. Process system calls, synchronization and intercomunication (unix sockets). Memory Management.
- Computer Networks: Introduction to Internetworking. OSI Reference Model. TCP/IP protocol stack. Socket Primitives and Applications (HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, etc.). Basic router and gateway configuration.
- Professional Practice (capstone course): Project Management and Software Development using Free Software - GitHub, Mercurial (hg/git), Python (web2py), PostgreSQL
Grupo MSA S.A.
Technical Lead - IT Services2016 -
- Research & Development in several software projects (electoral process, logistics, etc.).
- Low level system programming (C/C++ GNU/Linux), middle-ware, back-end and front-end applications (Python/HTML/JS, both server-side and local).
- Source code implementation, maintenance, testing, debugging and documentation.
- Evaluation & prototyping of new technologies / products, including cutting-edge hardware, information / computer security and cryptographic techniques.
- Software development of ad-hoc tools & web applications (Python/PostgreSQL)
- Implementation of a custom Python + PostgreSQL sync replication for high availability solution (now superseded by native solutions).
- Instructor Course PuntoGob - Municipality of Rafaela, Santa Fe.
Universidad del Este
Teacher - Higher Education - Accredited University
May 2015 - 2018 (est.)
Diploma on Free and Open Source Software (extension courses)
Lambda Sistemas S.R.L.
Analyst/Programmer - Computer SoftwareMarch 2007 - December 2010
Python (wxPython, Django) and PostgreSQL Developer of "Fierro" software and other projects
Buenos Aires Province Police - La Matanza radiostation
Ad-honorem colaboration (Community Service)
1998 - 2010
Application Developer, DBA, SysAdmin and Consulting: 911 Emergency Management System using Linux+PostgreSQL back-end and VB front-end.
Escuela Modelo DEVON S.A.
Developer and Teaching assistant - Primary/Secondary EducationFebruary 1997 - March 2002
Application Developer, DBA and Network Administrator
Computer Lab Teaching Assistant
rad2py: A platform for Rapid Application Development under the Personal Software Process / Rapid development of high quality Free Software:
- Initiated at Morón University - Course: Diploma final work (Degree Thesis)
- Being continued at Open University of Catalonia - Master's Degree Programme in Free Software
- Topics:
- quality assurance - maturity model - performance metrics
- personal self-improvement process
- agile software development methodologies
- integrated computer aided software engineering
- task-focused user interfaces
- free & open source software
- migration from legacy languages
- Tools: python, web2py, wxpython, postgresql
- Article (November 2006)
- Progress Report (June 2011)
- PET Magazine Article (September 2011) ISSN 1853-207
- Research thesis (November 2011) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2091.7288
- Poster (PyCon US, March 2012)
- Paper (June 2012) 41° JAIIO - EST 2012 - ISSN: 1850-2946 - pp 344 - 367
- Master's thesis research project (December 2013)
- Master's thesis research final report [PDF] (January 2014) DOI: 10609/40394
(published in the open institutional repository of UOC) - Paper (June 2015) 44° JAIIO - ASSE 2015 / STS 2015 - ISSN: 2451-7631 - pp 316 - 364
PyAfipWs: webservices, PDF generation (electronic invoice) and interoperability with legacy programming languages
- Paper (June 2012) 41° JAIIO - JSL 2012 - ISSN: 1850-2857 - pp 164 - 178
- Article -English translation- (April 2011) PET: PyAr Community Magazine - ISSN 1853-2071
Programación Python para Zombis (Python programming for zombies)
- MOOC based on Fernando Masanori "Python para zumbis" brazilian course
- Topics: programming literacy, inclusion, diversity
- Final Work - Educative technology & Distance Education workshops - National Technical University
- Working Paper (Draft September-November 2015)
- Short presentation / video (lighting talk in PyCon Argentina 2015 & PyCon Spain 2015)
Open Diploma on Free Software (undergraduate 1 year courses program)
- Working Paper (Draft August 2013 - 2014) being developed to be proposed at the University del Este (La Plata)
- Paper (September 2014) 43° JAIIO - STS 2014 - ISSN: 2362-5139 - pp 271 -285, co-autored with Sebastian Dominguez
- Poster Proceedings paper (May 2017) 13° OSS 20177 - ICSE - pp. 3 - 9
Open Source and Free Software Engineering (undergraduate accredited course)
Institutional Curriculum Project oriented to free software
- Blaise Pascal Technological Institute
- Systems Analyst three-years Bachelor's degree
- Topics: education, linux, postgresql, python, free software
- Working Paper (Draft January 2010)
911 Event Management System
- Morón University
- Course: Fieldwork II
- Topics: 911, php, postgresql, gis, mvc, uml
- Initial presentation (June 2006)
- Final presentation (July 2008)
web2py aplication development cookbook
- Packt Publishing, March 2012
- ISBN: 1849515468
- ISBN 13 : 978-1-84951-546-7
- Author(s): Mariano Reingart, Bruno Cezar Rocha, Jonathan Lundell, Pablo Martin Mulone, Michele Comitini, Richard Gordon, Massimo Di Pierro
- URL: Web2py application development recipes to master python web framework